Sub InitForm loadColors() End Sub Class ColorsObj Public codeColor Public hexaColor Public rgbColor Public vtwColor End Class Dim arrColors() EmptyArray() Sub EmptyArray() ReDim arrColors(0) Set sObj = new ColorsObj sObj.codeColor = "" sObj.hexaColor = "" sObj.rgbColor = "" sObj.vtwColor = "" Set arrColors(0) = sObj End sub Sub loadColors() Erase arrColors Set XMLColors = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") If XMLColors.Load("<full path to .xml file>") then Dim i, n Dim colorCount : colorCount = 0 Set nodeRoot = XMLColors.documentElement If Not nodeRoot Is Nothing Then Set nodeColors = nodeRoot.SelectNodes("//common/colors//color") If nodeColors.Length > 0 Then For i = 0 To nodeColors.Length-1 ReDim Preserve arrColors(colorCount) Set sObj = new ColorsObj sObj.codeColor = nodeColors(i).getAttribute("code") sObj.hexaColor = nodeColors(i).getAttribute("hexa") sObj.rgbColor = nodeColors(i).getAttribute("rgb") sObj.vtwColor = nodeColors(i).getAttribute("vtw") Set arrColors(colorCount) = sObj colorCount = colorCount + 1 Next End If End If Else End If End sub Function getXMLColorHexaByCode(str) If arrColors(0).codeColor <> "" Then Dim n For n = 0 To UBound(arrColors) If str = arrColors(n).codeColor Then getXMLColorHexaByCode = arrColors(n).hexaColor Exit For Else getXMLColorHexaByCode = "" End If Next End If End Function Function getXMLColorRgbByCode(str) If arrColors(0).codeColor <> "" Then Dim n For n = 0 To UBound(arrColors) If str = arrColors(n).codeColor Then getXMLColorRgbByCode = arrColors(n).rgbColor Exit For Else getXMLColorRgbByCode = "" End If Next End If End Function Function getXMLColorVTWByCode(str) If arrColors(0).codeColor <> "" Then Dim n For n = 0 To UBound(arrColors) If str = arrColors(n).codeColor Then getXMLColorVTWByCode = arrColors(n).vtwColor Exit For Else getXMLColorVTWByCode = "" End If Next End If End Function Sub onListCodeColorChange(Sender) ed_hexaColor.text = getXMLColorHexaByCode(Sender.text) ed_rgbColor.text = getXMLColorRgbByCode(Sender.text) Dim hexval : hexval = getXMLColorHexaByCode(Sender.text) Dim rgbval : rgbval = CLng("&h" & hexval) Dim r : r = (rgbval And &hff0000&) / 65536 Dim g : g = (rgbval And &h00ff00&) / 256 Dim b : b = (rgbval And &h0000ff&) ed_hexToRgb.text = Join(Array(hexval, rgbval, r, g, b), vbcrlf) ed_color.text = Replace(Round(r/254.99,12)&" "&Round(g/254.99,12)&" "&Round(b/254.99,12)&" 1,0",",",".") panel_color.Color = getXMLColorVTWByCode(Sender.text) End sub
Color Chart .xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <common> <colors> <color code="1" hexa="4ac8bc" rgb="74/200/188" vtw="12372042" /> <color code="2" hexa="28a2a3" rgb="40/162/163" vtw="10723880" /> <color code="3" hexa="209ac9" rgb="32/154/201" vtw="13212192" /> <color code="4" hexa="1b75b1" rgb="27/117/177" vtw="11629851" /> <color code="5" hexa="003399" rgb="0/51/153" vtw="10040064" /> <color code="6" hexa="001b52" rgb="0/27/82" vtw="5380864" /> <color code="7" hexa="010f2c" rgb="1/15/44" vtw="2887425" /> <color code="8" hexa="882c6f" rgb="136/44/111" vtw="7285896" /> <color code="9" hexa="b91c3b" rgb="185/28/59" vtw="3873977" /> <color code="10" hexa="df1f45" rgb="223/31/69" vtw="4530143" /> <color code="11" hexa="f34046" rgb="243/64/70" vtw="4604147" /> <color code="12" hexa="f5676a" rgb="245/103/106" vtw="6973429" /> <color code="13" hexa="e0929f" rgb="224/146/159" vtw="10457824" /> <color code="14" hexa="ff7900" rgb="255/121/0" vtw="31231" /> <color code="15" hexa="ffab37" rgb="255/171/55" vtw="3648511" /> <color code="16" hexa="fed22b" rgb="254/210/43" vtw="2872062" /> <color code="17" hexa="e1ca00" rgb="225/202/0" vtw="51937" /> <color code="18" hexa="b2db11" rgb="178/219/17" vtw="1170354" /> <color code="19" hexa="8cc129" rgb="140/193/41" vtw="2736524" /> <color code="20" hexa="346633" rgb="52/102/51" vtw="3368500" /> <color code="21" hexa="97845c" rgb="151/132/90" vtw="5932183" /> <color code="22" hexa="ddcead" rgb="221/206/173" vtw="11390685" /> <color code="23" hexa="b1ab93" rgb="177/171/147" vtw="9677745" /> <color code="24" hexa="b7bbbe" rgb="183/187/190" vtw="12499895" /> <color code="25" hexa="dddddd" rgb="221/221/221" vtw="14540253" /> </colors> </common>
VTW User Interface