
cgexpertools Newsletter July 21, 2024

Dear Customers, Welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter! We’re excited to bring you the freshest updates and offerings from our web store. Explore our latest collection of downloadable products designed to inspire and empower graphic designers like you. New Arrivals: Downloadable Products for Sports We’re thrilled to present our latest collection of downloadable […]

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AI Script – Sort Layers Alphabetically

Illustrator Script Sort application active document layers alphabetically /*#target illustrator*/ main(); function main(){ if(!documents.length) return; var doc = app.activeDocument; var allLayers = app.activeDocument.layers; var visibleLayers = []; for(a=0; a<allLayers.length; a++){ var ilayer = allLayers[a]; if (ilayer.visible) { visibleLayers.push(ilayer); } }; var alphabetizedLayers = visibleLayers.sort( function(a,b) { return a > b } ); sort_layers(doc, alphabetizedLayers); }

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VBScript Download flag SVG files from a website

Visual Basic Script Here is a VBScript script to download flag SVG files from a website and save them in a directory Set xml = CreateObject(“MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0”) Set fso = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set shell = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) urlTemplate = “{country}.svg” outputFolder = shell.CurrentDirectory & “\flags” countries = Array(“Afghanistan”, “Albania”, “Andorra”, “Angola”, “Antigua and Barbuda”, “Argentina”, “Aruba”, _ “Bahamas”,

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Vizrt On Air Get Info

Attach this script code on a container with a Text plugin dim content as String sub OnInitParameters() RegisterPushButton(“view”, “View report”, 1) RegisterPushButton(“clean”, “Clear report”, 2) end sub sub OnExecAction(buttonId As Integer) if buttonId = 1 then this.Geometry.Text = “” Query(“ONAIR GET_INFO”, “ONAIR Infos”) Query(“VERSION”, “”) Query(“KEY GET SYSID”, “Dongle ID”) Query(“KEY GET INFO”, “License Details”)

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Vizrt Get NLE Mode

Attach this script code on a container with a Text plugin sub OnInit() If System.SendCommand(“GLOBAL*NLE_MODE GET”) = “0” Then this.geometry.text = “PGM” Else this.geometry.text = “PREVIEW” End If end sub  

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Vizrt Renderer Snapshot

Attach this script code on a container with a Text plugin and a ControlText plugin sub OnInit() This.Geometry.RegisterTextChangedCallback() end sub sub OnGeometryChanged(geom As Geometry) snapMe() end sub Sub snapMe() If this.geometry.text<>”” Then dim snapPath as Array[string] this.geometry.text.split(“;”, snapPath) if snapPath[0] = “SNAP” then system.sendCommand(“RENDERER SNAPSHOT ” & snapPath[1]) end If End If end sub  

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VTW Color Picker

Script Dim PosX, PosY Dim colorPicker Sub ImageMouseDown(Sender, Button, Shift, X, Y) PosX = X PosY = Y End sub Sub ImageOnClick(Sender) colorPicker = Sender.Canvas.Pixels(PosX, PosY) txtCCColor.Text = ConvertToCColor(colorPicker) txtRGBColor.Text = ConvertToRgb(colorPicker) txtRGBColor.Color = colorPicker txtCCColor.Color = colorPicker End sub Function ConvertToRgb(color) Dim red, green, blue, temp temp = color red = temp Mod &H100

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VTW Color Chart Selector

Script Sub InitForm loadColors() End Sub Class ColorsObj Public codeColor Public hexaColor Public rgbColor Public vtwColor End Class Dim arrColors() EmptyArray() Sub EmptyArray() ReDim arrColors(0) Set sObj = new ColorsObj sObj.codeColor = “” sObj.hexaColor = “” sObj.rgbColor = “” sObj.vtwColor = “” Set arrColors(0) = sObj End sub Sub loadColors() Erase arrColors Set XMLColors =

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