Visual Basic Script
Here is a VBScript script to download flag SVG files from a website and save them in a directory
Set xml = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0") Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") urlTemplate = "{country}.svg" outputFolder = shell.CurrentDirectory & "\flags" countries = Array("Afghanistan", "Albania", "Andorra", "Angola", "Antigua and Barbuda", "Argentina", "Aruba", _ "Bahamas", "Bangladesh", "Barbados", "Belarus", "Belize", "Benin", "Bermuda", "Bhutan", _ "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Botswana", "British Virgin Islands", "Brunei", "Burundi", "Cambodia", _ "Cameroon", "Cape Verde", "Cayman Islands", "Central African Republic", "Chad", "Chile", _ "Comoros", "Congo", "Cook Islands", "Côte d'Ivoire", "Democratic Republic of the Congo", "Dominica", _ "El Salvador", "Equatorial Guinea", "Eswatini", "Fiji", "Gabon", "Gambia", "Georgia", "Ghana", _ "Grenada", "Guam", "South Sudan", "United States Virgin Islands", "Uruguay", "Uzbekistan") If Not fso.FolderExists(outputFolder) Then fso.CreateFolder(outputFolder) End If For Each country In countries countryUrl = Replace(urlTemplate, "{country}", Replace(country, " ", "_")) xml.Open "GET", countryUrl, False xml.Send If xml.Status = 200 Then Set stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") stream.Type = 1 ' adTypeBinary stream.Open stream.Write xml.responseBody stream.SaveToFile outputFolder & "\" & country & ".svg", 2 ' adSaveCreateOverWrite stream.Close WScript.Echo "Downloaded: " & country Else WScript.Echo "Failed to download: " & country End If Next