Here is a sample code for an asynchronous request in vbscript with Viz Template Wizard.
In this example we use the API of
You need to register on their website in order to get a free api key.
To process the JSON response we use the parsing method of an html page in the vbscript code.
const ApiKey = "<replace with your api key here>" const Url = "" Dim http function ParseJson(strJson) dim html : set html = CreateObject("htmlfile") dim window : set window = html.parentWindow window.execScript "var json = " & strJson, "JScript" set ParseJson = window.json set window = nothing set html = nothing end function Function Request(Url) Dim fullUrl, resolveTimeout, connectTimeout, sendTimeout, receiveTimeout fullUrl = Url & cb_currency_from.text & "/" & cb_currency_to.text & "&apikey=" & ApiKey resolveTimeout = 5 * 1000 connectTimeout = 5 * 1000 sendTimeout = 15 * 1000 receiveTimeout = 15 * 1000 Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") With http .onreadystatechange = getRef("state_Change") .setTimeouts resolveTimeout, connectTimeout, sendTimeout, receiveTimeout .Open "GET", fullUrl, true .Send End With End function Function state_Change() If http.ReadyState = 4 Then If http.Status = 200 Then tb_data.text = http.ResponseText lb_currencyData.Items.Clear() Dim json : Set json = ParseJson(http.ResponseText) Dim symbol : symbol = eval("json.symbol") If Not IsNull(symbol) Then lb_currencyData.Items.Add(symbol) End If Dim name : name = eval("") If Not IsNull(name) Then lb_currencyData.Items.Add(name) End If Dim datetime : datetime = eval("json.datetime") If Not IsNull(datetime) Then lb_currencyData.Items.Add(datetime) End If Dim high : high = eval("json.high") If Not IsNull(high) Then lb_currencyData.Items.Add("high:"&high) End If Dim low : low = eval("json.low") If Not IsNull(low) Then lb_currencyData.Items.Add("low:"&low) End If Dim percent_change : percent_change = eval("json.percent_change") If Not IsNull(percent_change) Then lb_currencyData.Items.Add("percent_change:"&percent_change) End If Else tb_data.text = "" Set http = Nothing End If End If End function Sub OnBtnGetDataClick(Sender) tb_data.text = "" Request(Url) End sub
Sample of JSON response to query:
{ "symbol":"USD/EUR", "name":"US Dollar Euro", "exchange":"Forex", "datetime":"2023-04-24", "timestamp":1682338600, "open":"0.90975", "high":"0.91190", "low":"0.90735", "close":"0.90890", "previous_close":"0.90995", "change":"-0.00105", "percent_change":"-0.11539", "average_volume":"0", "is_market_open":true, "fifty_two_week":{ "low":"0.90285", "high":"1.04870", "low_change":"0.00605", "high_change":"-0.13980", "low_change_percent":"0.67011", "high_change_percent":"-13.33079", "range":"0.902850 - 1.048700" } }
VTW User interface: