Discover this Vizrt Scene featuring a World Globe geolocation managed through scripting and a simple rotation animation.
Key Features:
- Fully Editable
- Fully Customizable
- Fully Controllable
How It Works:
Our Pilot template includes all the necessary VBScript code to retrieve JSON data from the feed. The data is fetched via the Pilot template, processed through scripts within the scene, and displayed interactively. Users can click on list items using a touchscreen or mouse for dynamic data visualization.
Plugins used: ControlObject, Z-Sort, MaxSize, Alpha, Script, Ring, Circle, Noggi, Polygon, Triangle, Sphere, Text, Auto Follow, Expert, ControlParameter, CFxExplode, CFxAlpha, ControlText
Fonts used: Avenir-Next-Cyr-Bold, Avenir-Next-Cyr-Demi, Avenir-Next-Cyr-Regular
Disclaimer: All fonts used within this product are free for personal use only. Those fonts are not free for commercial use. Please refer to the license terms for the use of these fonts.
Viz Engine Version: 3.9
Viz Pilot Version: 8.1.0
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