
Vizrt On Air Get Info

Attach this script code on a container with a Text plugin dim content as String sub OnInitParameters() RegisterPushButton(“view”, “View report”, 1) RegisterPushButton(“clean”, “Clear report”, 2) end sub sub OnExecAction(buttonId As Integer) if buttonId = 1 then this.Geometry.Text = “” Query(“ONAIR GET_INFO”, “ONAIR Infos”) Query(“VERSION”, “”) Query(“KEY GET SYSID”, “Dongle ID”) Query(“KEY GET INFO”, “License Details”) […]

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Vizrt Get NLE Mode

Attach this script code on a container with a Text plugin sub OnInit() If System.SendCommand(“GLOBAL*NLE_MODE GET”) = “0” Then this.geometry.text = “PGM” Else this.geometry.text = “PREVIEW” End If end sub  

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