
Vizrt On Air Get Info

Attach this script code on a container with a Text plugin dim content as String sub OnInitParameters() RegisterPushButton(“view”, “View report”, 1) RegisterPushButton(“clean”, “Clear report”, 2) end sub sub OnExecAction(buttonId As Integer) if buttonId = 1 then this.Geometry.Text = “” Query(“ONAIR GET_INFO”, “ONAIR Infos”) Query(“VERSION”, “”) Query(“KEY GET SYSID”, “Dongle ID”) Query(“KEY GET INFO”, “License Details”) […]

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Vizrt Get NLE Mode

Attach this script code on a container with a Text plugin sub OnInit() If System.SendCommand(“GLOBAL*NLE_MODE GET”) = “0” Then this.geometry.text = “PGM” Else this.geometry.text = “PREVIEW” End If end sub  

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Vizrt Renderer Snapshot

Attach this script code on a container with a Text plugin and a ControlText plugin sub OnInit() This.Geometry.RegisterTextChangedCallback() end sub sub OnGeometryChanged(geom As Geometry) snapMe() end sub Sub snapMe() If this.geometry.text<>”” Then dim snapPath as Array[string] this.geometry.text.split(“;”, snapPath) if snapPath[0] = “SNAP” then system.sendCommand(“RENDERER SNAPSHOT ” & snapPath[1]) end If End If end sub  

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Vizrt Set x and y coordinates to .txt file

dim x, y as Integer sub OnInitParameters() RegisterPushButton(“action”, “Get Childs position x y”, 1) end sub sub OnExecAction(buttonId As Integer) dim n As Integer dim StreamText as String dim TextPath as String = “<full path of .txt file>” for n = 1 To this.ChildContainerCount dim c as Container = this.GetChildContainerByIndex(n-1) c.GetScreenPositionOrtho(x, y) StreamText &= x

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Vizrt Get x and y coordinates from .txt file

Dim NewCont As Container = this.PreviousContainer Dim filePath = “<full path of .txt file>” Dim text As String Dim i, xpos, ypos As Integer this.DeleteChildren() if System.LoadTextFile(filePath, text) then Dim lines As Array[String] Dim coord As Array[String] text.trim() text.split(Chr(10), lines) Dim cont As Container for i=lines.LBound to lines.UBound lines[i].Split(“;”, coord) ‘println CDbl(coord[0]) ‘println CDbl(coord[1]) xpos

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VTW Get Image Infos From GH

Here is an example of vbscript code to fetch image information from a folder on the Graphic Hub. In Viz Engine Console : send IMAGE COMMAND_INFO or web page : C:\Program Files\vizrt\Viz3\Documentation\CommandInterface\index.html ‘Dim host : host = MainMachine ‘can be an IP address Dim host : host = “<replace with frame server IP address>” ‘frame

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VTW Currency Converter

Here is a sample code for an asynchronous request in vbscript with Viz Template Wizard. In this example we use the API of You need to register on their website in order to get a free api key. To process the JSON response we use the parsing method of an html page in the

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