
VTW Color Picker

Script Dim PosX, PosY Dim colorPicker Sub ImageMouseDown(Sender, Button, Shift, X, Y) PosX = X PosY = Y End sub Sub ImageOnClick(Sender) colorPicker = Sender.Canvas.Pixels(PosX, PosY) txtCCColor.Text = ConvertToCColor(colorPicker) txtRGBColor.Text = ConvertToRgb(colorPicker) txtRGBColor.Color = colorPicker txtCCColor.Color = colorPicker End sub Function ConvertToRgb(color) Dim red, green, blue, temp temp = color red = temp Mod &H100 […]

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VTW Color Chart Selector

Script Sub InitForm loadColors() End Sub Class ColorsObj Public codeColor Public hexaColor Public rgbColor Public vtwColor End Class Dim arrColors() EmptyArray() Sub EmptyArray() ReDim arrColors(0) Set sObj = new ColorsObj sObj.codeColor = “” sObj.hexaColor = “” sObj.rgbColor = “” sObj.vtwColor = “” Set arrColors(0) = sObj End sub Sub loadColors() Erase arrColors Set XMLColors =

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VTW Color Dialog Picker

Script Sub BtnColorsClick(Sender) If ColorDialog1.Execute then temp = ColorDialog1.Color red = temp Mod &H100 temp = temp \ &H100 green = temp Mod &H100 temp = temp \ &H100 blue = temp Mod &H100 rvb.Text = red & ” ” & green & ” ” & blue rvb01.Text = red/255 & ” ” & green/255

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VTW Get Image Infos From GH

Here is an example of vbscript code to fetch image information from a folder on the Graphic Hub. In Viz Engine Console : send IMAGE COMMAND_INFO or web page : C:\Program Files\vizrt\Viz3\Documentation\CommandInterface\index.html ‘Dim host : host = MainMachine ‘can be an IP address Dim host : host = “<replace with frame server IP address>” ‘frame

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VTW Currency Converter

Here is a sample code for an asynchronous request in vbscript with Viz Template Wizard. In this example we use the API of https://twelvedata.com You need to register on their website in order to get a free api key. To process the JSON response we use the parsing method of an html page in the

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